A postbiotic mitochondrial rejuvenator | Urolithin A

A new star has been shining in the firmament of longevity supplements for several years now. It is called urolithin A and its light intensity increases a little every month. Reason enough to delve into this wonderful material – a job that we completed with intellectual pleasure. The more we learned about urolithin A, the […]

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Astaxanthin, the icing on the longevity cake

In recent years, the price of astaxanthin has significantly fallen thanks to biotechnology, and the end of this price drop is not yet in sight. This means that life extensionists have an affordable supplement at their disposal, about which we do not yet know everything – but of which we can say with certainty that […]

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Five longevity lessons from the Blue Zones

There are several areas on this planet where a remarkable number of people manage to live to an unusually old age – while at the same time remaining healthy. These areas are called Blue Zones. Although Blue Zones can be located miles apart, the lifestyle of the residents of the different Blue Zones is very […]

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Bioregulator Epitalon | Rejuvenating at the genetic level

For half a century, Russian scientists such as Vladimir Anisimov and Vladimir Khavinson have been developing small peptides that can extend lifespan and at the same time reduce or prevent the aging phenomena that occur in old age. Epitalon, perhaps one of their most successful discoveries, has been in vogue outside of Russia for several […]

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Rapamycin | The unknowns of an emerging longevity drug

In the 1970s, a Canadian pharmacologist discovered a new antibiotic he called rapamycin in soil samples from Easter Island. Tens of thousands of patients who have had to undergo an organ transplant owe their lives to this drug. Forty years later, that same rapamycin is quickly gaining popularity in the longevity scene. Does rapamycin extend […]

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NMN | Boosting longevity enzymes

If it’s up to some pharmaceutical companies, in some countries the vitamin B3 analog nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) may soon no longer be available as a supplement, but as an undoubtedly expensive drug that reduces aging symptoms and extends life. We doubt whether the companies in question will succeed in this aim. But when it comes […]

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How to solve the resveratrol puzzle

Supplementation with resveratrol, systematic chemical name trans-3,5,4′-trihydroxystilbene, is still one of the most important weapons we have against aging. However, not all supplements are the same. This blog will teach you everything you need to know about the way resveratrol works, about the sometimes contradictory outcomes of trials, and the most effective way to use […]

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Quercetin, a longevity supplement

In the 1990s, quercetin was a promising supplement, in which everyone in what is now called the bio-hacker scene was extremely interested. In the 2020s, quercetin seems to have lost a lot of its luster. Other supplements became popular, displacing quercetin from its once prominent place. In this blog we explain why we still consider […]

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The neglected dark side of Carbon 60 (C60)

On the world wide web, thousands of web shops sell a carbon molecule that British chemists, experimenting with laser technology, discovered by accident in the 1980s. The British called this molecule Carbon 60 (C60) and, according a well-known animal study, it is capable of doubling lifespan. However, another and less well-known animal study suggests that […]

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Metformin, the old school anti-diabetic that may prolong lifespan

Metformin, one of the most widely used anti-diabetes drugs in the world, probably extends lifespan. We won’t be completely sure of this until a few large trials on the anti-aging effect of metformin have been completed. Nevertheless, we are quite optimistic.   Metformin is an ancient drug, with a history going back centuries. Metformin is […]

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